Ving Rhames was born in 1959 in New York City. The American has a net worth of around $ 16 million which amounts to be a result of its involvement in art. After graduating from the college where he studied art, he began to produce after receiving the title. Not too long after graduating he made his first appearance on “Go Tell It On The Mountain” where he appeared in the person of Little Gabriel.
Apart from the initial film, he was also recorded in the opening in other films that included “Miami Vice, The Saint of Fort Washington and many more. Nothing was lacking, his breakthrough came in 1994 after he starred in as Marselus Wallace in other production. It pushed him into the production of “er” which he showed for several years. The award winner star who gained public recognition of his performance in the film Don King: Only In America, also starred in the 1996 film titled “Mission Impossible”.
Since then he has received several awards for his overall performance in the film and is one of the most widely displayed in the film series “Mission Impossible”. His personal life has made him married twice, with the latest in 2000 with Deborah Reed. His overall success has made it compared to some of the best produced by the art industry.
NAMEVing Rhames | NATIONALITYUnited States Of America | DATE OF BIRTH12th May 1959 |
ZODIAC SIGNTaurus | PLACE OF BIRTHHarlem, New York City | AGE61 |
RELIGIONChristianity | CAREERActor | HEIGHT183 cm |
SPOUSEDeborah Reed | CHILDRENReign Rhames Freedom Rhames | WEIGHT105 kg |